Monday, March 22, 2010

"There's two kinds of people in this world..."

One of the greatest motivational quotes I've ever stumbled across was said by a character named Rocco in the movie The Boondock Saints. Among his funny lines and profanities, Rocco says something that actually rang true for me. He says:

"There's two kinds of people in this world when you boil it all down. You've got your 'talkers' and you've got your 'doers'. Most people are just talkers, all they got is talk. But when all is said and done, it's the doers who change this world. And when they do that, they change us. And thats why we never forget them... So which one are you? Do you just talk about it or do you stand up and do something about it? Because believe you me, all the rest of it is just coffee house bullshit."

I love this quote because it really makes me think of all the people that have not only changed my life by following through on their words and promises with actions, but those who have changed the world by being 'doers'. So many people have come before us and brought us to the world we live in today; From Christopher Columbus and Martin Luther King Jr. to Mahatma Ghandi, the people that took risks, that took chances and followed through with their actions, are the ones that have changed the world and the way we live in it.

Although the 'greater good' theory comes in to play with the revolutionaries that walked before us, sometimes the doers that matter most are the ones that are sitting right in front of you. There are those that talk about 'who they are' or 'what they want to become' or 'how they're going to make something of themselves', but in reality talking is just chains of words put together to make yourself sound better.

The doers are the ones that inspire, motivate, and encourage without ever having to say a word. The doers are the ones that change your life completely just by living their own lives. I don't know many doers to be completely honest, but I do know a handful.

I wont name them or worry about giving them credit on this blog, if they read it they'll know who they are. They are the people that I look up to the most because even when life gave them mountains to climb, they took a deep breath and pushed themselves over the top. Maybe these doers are still on their way to the finish line, maybe they have reached the goals that they wanted to reach, but their journey has changed my life forever.

This blog is not only to thank the doers of the world and of my life, but also inspire. Be inspired to not just let empty words linger in the air; be inspired to stand up for who you are, what you believe in, what you have faith in. Be inspired to act on your thoughts, not impulsively but rationally. Be inspired to one day see your name in a history book because you have made a difference in the world. Be inspired to get yourself out of that chair and change the world, one step at a time.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. -- Sam Keen

Maybe it is true that perfection is just a social contract, an ideal that high society came up with. Today, in many ways, people have what I would think to call a "perfection complex"; a checklist of what their partner should or should not be. Take for instance the 'perfect' man, for girls at least. It is a notion that is constituted mainly by 'shoulds'. Should he be tall, dark and handsome? Should he have a good career? Should he be charming and endearing? Should he be a classic fairy tale Knight on a white horse that has come to take you away from the horrid castle?

All these 'shoulds' should not be the way people think of the opposite sex. These 'perfections' simply make an imperfect person think of all the things they are and are not, and therefore there more divorces, separations, single parents, and spinsters. Perfection only exists in the mind of someone who follows the 'norms' of society; the norms which state how a man and woman should act when placed together.

Inspired by the movie "The Ugly Truth", I feel that it is true that women have a checklist. They're always looking for a 'soulmate', yet they hardly ever find one. Maybe if women wake up and truly look at themselves, they would realize that imperfection is in fact beauty. Who wants a brooding man who is afraid to say anything contradictory to your thoughts? Who wants a man who is so afraid to start a fight, or end one for that matter? Who wants a man who will be completely whipped every moment of every day?

Don't get me wrong, men have their own checklists too. Should she be skinny with long legs? Should she be able to stand on her own two feet, or should I support her? Should she be domesticated and proper every moment of every day? Should she always be a damsel in distress? Should she love sports as much as I do? Should she change her entire being to fit my needs?

I blame all of these 'perfection' notions on a few things. First and foremost the class structure that the world has come to. The highest will always be on top, and therefore closer to perfect than any other class. My other theory is that too many movies, tv shows, and books depict men and women to have their own places in life that should not be altered; such as the man should provide for the woman, the woman should be domesticated, the man should be buff and strong, the woman weak and delicate.

My final theory is history repeats itself. You are what you know, and where you live is what you know. If, for instance, you have watched your parents have a wonderful marriage, if you're a girl you'll want to marry daddy, and if you're a boy you'll want to wed mommy. On the other hand, if you've watched your parents' marriage dwindle down the drain and out into the Hudson for the last nineteen years, you'll be afraid to find anything to commit to. In this case, one instance is the sheer example of 'perfection' and the other is the experience that has made it possible to think that 'perfection' doesn't exist and therefore there will never be anyone right for you.

My theory is, imperfection truly is beauty. When you can fight with someone, when you can hold your self back from the urge to rip their throats out, and when you can still say at the end of the day that no matter what that person does you still want them in your life, that is when imperfection makes love possible. 'Perfection' is being completely who you are, flaws, faults and all, and knowing that someone out there is just as imperfect as you. That imperfect person should be the one on your checklist, that imperfect person should be the one you are trying to find. Because once you've found them, you'll love them more and more because of how completely flawed they are. And those flaws will make you never want to let go.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Divine Secrets

My last post made me realize that I've made it easy for myself to bash relationships and friendships simply because they never worked out the way that I wanted them to, and that I should instead look to the friendships that touch my heart and keep me, for the most part, sane. So I'm going to dedicate this post to Gwen.

My favorite book happens to be Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. Corny, I know. But the reason I love this book, aside from the mother-daughter-feud dynamic, is the fact that friendships can last throughout the years. Friends can stay friends, even if at some point or another they end up threatening each other's lives. It is possible to have a friend to go through life's stages with, and still be able to sit down one day when we're old and gray over a cup of tea (most likely laced with rum) and talk about how our years progressed and how we changed so much.

The person I see sitting across the table from me when I'm old and gray would be Gwen. Sure, there are other people I want sitting at that table with us, but for the most part Gwen is the clearest image I can see so far.

Gwen has seen me through my worst; death of a loved one, broken heart, betrayal, you name it, she's been there. She's been one of the most sincere friends. She can tell me when I'm absolutely right, or when I'm absolutely wrong. She knows my mannerisms, she knows my personality in and out, she knows who I am and she still choses to stick around. That in my book, is dedication.

On the flip side, I know Gwen. I know when she's being way too quiet (usually means something is up), or when she's trying to hide something. I know when she's about to cry, I know when her laugh is sincere. I understand the pain she goes through, in one way or another, because her pain is my pain. I find that I want the best for her, even if it means that some day she might not be as easily accessible as she is now.

I guess when it comes down to it, we both have a love and respect for each other. I cant wait to see the old us, sitting around in a kitchen filled with pictures of children and grandchildren, talking about how we were and how we are. I cant wait to know that every part of my life that I have been through, I have shared it with someone who understood me so completely without having to explain anything at all. I cant wait to be an old bum with my best friend Gwen.

She is . . . My Sister

Upon searching through a very commonly used website, I found a quote that really stuck out today. It stated "She is my rock, my inspiration. Though impossible to define in just one word, she is my sister". This quote seems to be the only thing that I can possibly relate to lately. Every relationship I have been in has had it's ups and downs, it's faults and it's breaking points. But the relationships that truly stand out, the ones that will stick with me for the rest of my life, are the ones that I like to categorize as my sisterhood. I'm proud to say I have three sisters.

I was born one of three daughters, the youngest unfortunately. Not only did my birth order usually cause trouble in my household, but also the circumstances that brought me to today have effected the relationships I have with my sisters. We fight, like many women do, and up until recently I would have to be honest in saying there were times when we had to be ripped away from each other for the fear that one of us would kill the other. But we also laugh. Laughter is the one thing that I know I can count on to fill the halls of this house that up until recently were very silent.

Through the hard times the three of us have faced, we have all dealt with life in a different way. But when push comes to shove and all the superficial bullshit is pushed aside, the only place we want to be is sitting in a car, drinking some coffee, and talking about our problems.

You're probably wondering why I said I have three sisters, being that I am one of three daughters.

I have two biological sisters: Gillian and Nadine. Gillian is the eldest and I'd be lying if I said we got along great. For a while I thought I truly hated her. But I know now that I don't (even if at times I want to hurt her). The problem with our relationship is the age difference and the way it gets to both of our heads. I want to have fun and be who I want to be, she wants to be my artificial mother. Never really worked out well for us. Then there's Nadine. Nadine and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. I look just like her, only taller, and we both have the same brain. Our tolerance for annoyance is set at -1 and we both have very strong personalities. Our fights never last more than five minutes because usually our laughter cuts through the tension.

Those are my two biological sisters, the ones that I'm obligated to, but also the ones I wouldn't trade for the world. Then comes Gwen. Gwen is not my biological sister, but a friend that evolved to so much more than a friend. Through the hard times the two of us have faced, we always turned to each other. She is the mirror to my personality, and isn't afraid to let me know when I'm stepping out of line.

Without a doubt I can say I'm closer to her than to any other person in the world, yet I know that we don't need to have expectations of each other. In some friendships, there's always the theory of the 'norm'. That these friend should be there 24/7 for you, that they should drop everything and run to do whatever you need them to do. These people should always make you laugh, and bring a you a good time every time.

But, in all honesty, the moments that transcend friends to 'sisters' would have to be the moments that you are knee deep in kleenex and your face looks like Rocky Balboa has taken you for a couple of rounds inside the ring. Those moments really show you who was there in the past, who sits beside you now, and who will always be there when you need a friend.

Life throws curveballs to see who will be there for you once you strike out; my sisters will always be there for me, and I for them. They are my rocks, my inspirations, the ones that pick me up when I'm six feet under.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

When All Is Said and Done...

To me there will always be a definition of true love that I will hold dear to my heart. And it's not that whole 'cant eat, cant sleep, reach for the stars' kind of love. No, for me love is found in the little waves of emotion you feel when you're with the right person, or thinking of that person for that matter. These emotions consist of happiness, comfort, security, joy. The list could go on, and I believe that the emotions are interchangeable parts for every relationship. But, for every person, true love should be knowing the person you love inside and out, through all their imperfections, scars, and beauties, and still wanting to wake up and see their face every morning.

In looking at the relationships of my friends I have come to realize that although I might not like the person they are with, there is a subtle reason why they are still together. Of all the relationships I've witnessed throughout the years, I've always wondered how my friend Darla could be with her boyfriend. They had begun dating when she was only fifteen and she had even gone to the extreme as to cast away all of her friends to spend every waking moment with her new beau. Of course at the time I didn't agree with this decision, but when she became more clear minded (a good two years later) I began to see what was really going on in their relationship.

John was the type of boy that had high expectations and a hot temper. He needed a woman to wait on him hand and foot, yet still let him do whatever he pleases without question or comment. Darla on the other hand, was an overly envious, sensitive girl who would do anything he 'needed' but would always wonder what he was doing when she wasn't around. This caused a definite gaping chasm in their relationship, and needless to say the many fights turned into many rebellious actions against each other.

Ultimately it led to their break up, and for the first few days a wave of relief came over Darla. But then it struck her that this possessive man she had been with for several long years let her go in an instant. Something sounds fishy. Our conclusion of tonight, after snooping around, was that he had been talking to someone else for a few weeks. Now, seemingly upset, Darla began to cry and to curse him for hurting her in such a manor.

On the other side... she had been seeing someone else for months.

Do people who love each other really do this? Or is it not love and just an infatuation gone bad? Relationships are meant to have substance: trust, respect, honesty, comfort, and ultimate happiness. Yet people go around in these year long relationships, subconsciously thinking of ways to hurt each other. Maybe we have such an expectation of love, we put it so high on a pedestal, that we are blind to the relationships we are in in reality.

In consoling her, I have stated over and over again that 'everything happens for a reason' and 'true love always finds it's way'. But now I'm not so sure John is her true love. I'm not sure that if being in a relationship with someone that constitutes of: fighting in the middle of the street over a flirtatious look, or sneaking off in the middle of the night to cross bridges and sleep with a different person, should be considered 'true love'.

Shouldn't true love be, realistically, wanting the other person's happiness and sometimes even putting it before yourself? Then how can people lie and cheat and deceive?

When all is said and done, I believe that when I come home from a long day, I want to be the one to sit down to dinner and vent to the person I love. I want to talk about all the stresses of our day, let everything go. I want to make love to that person, and have them hold me in his arms. I want to fall asleep knowing that I wont ever fall, and I want to wake up to see them in the midst of a beautiful slumber. I want this every day, no matter how much I would sometimes like to bash their head against the wall. I know when all is said and done, at the end of the day, I'm looking for my true love.

Who Has The Last Word?

In a failed attempt to be the best friend I could be to a person who, by all means, does not deserve my best, I found myself pondering the way girls work. I'm using this blog from now on to write my thoughts on the situations life puts me through and possibly get some feedback. What better way to start my site than to say All Female Friends Suck!

Now, I know the females who stumble across this might think I'm being dramatic and possibly even stereotypical, but I do have my reasons for stating so. One of them happens to be this 'best friend' I went out on a limb for. Her name: Angela. I met her through work a couple of years back and I thought we had a good connection. Apparently that friendship was a one way street.

Throughout the years, Angela's head has been so far up her boyfriend, Keith's behind that I'm surprised she wasn't notified every time he used the bathroom. Relationships are all fine and dandy, believe me I love the fact that there are good guys out there who step out on a limb and commit to the girl they love. But, in all aspects of the relationship, there should be a mutual respect for the other person. Both Angela and Keith did not understand this, and many times I would find myself driving up to Angela's house with a kleenex box, putting my life on hold to pick up the pieces he left her in. Yet, every time the tears dried for more than an hour, she ran back to him.

Their 'love' story, which is more like 'sadistic-hate-love-I'm better than-you' story is one that I can say I'd made an example to never have for myself. But, moving along from that issue, I'll explain what happened the last time I dropped everything to pick up her pieces. Being a good friend I drove over to her house, which is by the way four towns away, and waited for her to get in the car. When she did, she had a box of all the things Keith had given her in the past. She asked me to drive over to his house and wait around so she could tell him it was over.

Not wanting to say no because I knew this should have been a big step, I agreed. As soon as my foot hit the gas pedal, Angela's water gates flew open. She began crying, and in an attempt to buy some time I began driving and listening to her rant. An hour and a half later without a cigarette, my jaw opened in an inexplicable manor. During her rant on how much she loved her boyfriend and how she couldn't be without him but she needed respect, she decided to feel sorry for herself (a usual for her). Her rant became an insult to me, one that I can not shake from my memory. In fact, I can still imagine her mouth moving to the words that stung so much: "This isn't right, you shouldn't be in a relationship, I should."

Now, reader, I would like to know your feedback. You see, I have just started a new relationship with a person that I believe I could be able to spend the rest of my life with. We do have our differences but we always try to work them out every time. And I'm more realistic than I should be for my age, and I'd be the first to tell you when a relationship wouldn't last, but I have this sure feeling that it will. We both realize that we have our issues, our scars, and our imperfections; but when all is said and done we love each other for those reasons, because we have both been hurt in the past, in many ways than one, and we want to make our futures better together.

However, this comment has been dwindling in my mind for the past week. Is it possible that Angela's thoughts are ones of jealousy? I happen to be a big activist for feminism, and I truly believe that she deserves so much better than a guy who calls her names that not even I would use yet I'm told I have the mouth of a trucker. I believe that in every relationship a woman should receive an equal amount of respect as the man. Yet she does not have this. Is it possible that she sees my happiness with my boyfriend Jake, and knows the amount of respect we have for each other, and happens to be completely envious of me.

Or, is her comment one of a judgmental person? Do I come off as such a bitch that I should not be in a relationship with another person? Is this her train of thought? This is the side of the thought that scares me the most. What if she is right and everything I ever wanted, everything that is now right in front of me, is not going to last because of who I am? Am I that unloveable?

As you can tell from this post, I am mostly not associating myself with Angela. I haven't spoken to her since she passed her comment, even though she has tried to contact me. I'm not sure what I should do in this situation. Should I keep my anger from her comment to myself, or should I tell her where she could stick her thoughts (FYI they would probably be close to where she has already stuck her head)? Or should I kill this failed attempt at a friendship through silence?

Feedback would be appreciated =)